Helping Homeowners Stop Foreclosure Since 2009
Are you behind in your mortgage payments or on the verge
of getting behind and not sure what to do?
The team at Tejas Property Group, LLC, is here to help.
We offer a free, no-obligation consultation and provide the support and resources you need to meet your goals.
The process is simple:
#1. We meet with you to get a clear understanding of your situation.
#2. We determine what options are available to you.
#3. We create a customized plan of action based on your specific goals.
#4. We work with you to stop further foreclosure action against you and help you navigate next steps.
Our team’s (15+) years of foreclosure prevention is unsurpassed. We at TPG, LLC have the expertise to halt foreclosure proceedings against you and help you reach your goal. Whether you intend to:
Keep your home and get back on track with your mortgage
Buy some time until you can meet an established timeline
Simply sell quickly and get a fresh start
Our experienced team can help. If you are facing foreclosure, every minute counts. Call today to receive your Free,
No Obligation, Foreclosure Prevention Consultation.
Call for immediate assistance,
(512) 996-3580
Prevent Foreclosure
We can stop foreclosure proceedings on your home and help you save your credit.
Loan Modification Assistance
We offer home loan modification assistance to keep you in your home. Our expert knowledge and experience is unsurpassed in the industry.
Mortgage Solutions
We offer creative mortgage solutions that help people when other options are not right or available to them.